Welcome to Black Banana Records, another petty avenue for your adorable little fixation with abrasive music. The label's presently based out of Vancouver, BC, which aspring cartographers will gladly tell you is in Canada. To order or inquire about trades, e-mail blackbananarecords@gmail.com


INVASIVES April/ May BC/ AB shows
April 18th Cranbrook, BC Byng Roadhouse w/ Ford Pier Vengeance Trio
April 19th Calgary, AB The Palomino w/ Death
April 20th Edmonton, AB Wunderbar w/ Ford Pier Vengeance Trio
April 26th Vancouver, BC Lanalous w/ War Baby
May 4th Kamloops, BC Bailey's Pub w/ War Baby

SIXBREWBANTHA Midwest/ East Coast Tour

April 22nd Minneapolis, MN @ The Rathole w/ Archagathus, Violent Gorge
April 23rd Madison, WI @ The Wisco w/ Archagathus, Violent Gorge, Mellow Harsher
April 24th Chicago, IL @ Ranchos Huevos w/ Violent Gorge, Archagathus, Gnarly Death, Hitokiri
April 25th Ft Wayne, IN @ Harrison House
April 26th Wapakoneta, OH @ Moulton Gun Club w/ Archagathus, Violent Gorge, Gowl, Misanthropic Noise, Lt. Dan, Powercup, Scaphe, Water Torture, Coke Bust + tons more

April 27th Columbus, OH @ Dude Locker w/ Backslider, Sick//Tired, Water Torture, Coke Bust, Na'Kay, Altered Boys + more
April 28th Detroit, MI
April 29th Cleveland, OH @ 71st Door w/ Totes Brute, Exogorth, Lord Farquaad, Muzzleoader, MDFL
April 30th Buffalo, NY @ The Jungle Gym w/ Water Torture
May 1st Boston, MA w/ Water Torture
May 2nd Providence, RI @ The Funky Jungle w/ Water Torture, David Carradine, Spinach
May 3rd Hartford, CT @ Whitney House w/ Water Torture, Gowl, Misanthropic Noise
May 4th New York, NY @ ABC No Rio w/ Water Torture, Curmudgeon, Grudges
May 5th Lindenwold, NJ @ The Sex Dungeon w/ Amputee, Doomsday Machine Schematic
May 6th Philadelphia, PA @ Golden Tea House w/ Gash, Bill Bondsmen
May 7th Newark, DE @ The Black Lung w/ Jaw Clencher, Gezora
May 8th Baltimore, MD
May 9th Pittsburgh, PA
May 10th Lima, OH
May 11th Dayton, OH