Welcome to Black Banana Records, another petty avenue for your adorable little fixation with abrasive music. The label's presently based out of Vancouver, BC, which aspring cartographers will gladly tell you is in Canada. To order or inquire about trades, e-mail blackbananarecords@gmail.com

Monday, April 4, 2011

Hold'er tight

Shutting down operations until I get back from the CIRCLE THE WAGONS tour with the DAYGLO ABORTIONS. All Black Banana titles and possibly the 7" distro will be available at the shows. There's still a couple dates we're waiting on, but so far tour looks like this

April 14th- Vancouver @ Funky Winker Beans
April 15th- Vernon @ Club 29/29
April 16th- Revelstoke @ Outabounds Nightclub
April 17th- Canmore @ Drake Hotel
April 18th- Regina @ Gaslight Saloon
April 20th- Edmonton @ The Pawn Shop
April 21st- Calgary @ Dickens Pub
April 22nd- High River @ Gruvstone Lounge
April 23rd- Lethbridge @ Tattoo Convention venue TBA
April 24th- Innisfail @ The Zoo
April 25th- Medicine Hat @ The Royal Hotel

Also, Canuckleheads, don't forget to check out INVASIVES and THE KETTLE BLACK as they forge their way through Canada. Check the dates in the blog post below or go to their website for the updated tour schedule. 

Wheels finally starting to spin for a couple new releases, more on that later.

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